Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Celebrating a silent Christmas

Me at Pohang, South Korea
Celebrating Christmas with family members and friends is extremely and is always full of vibration. There will be a chorus of voices yelled, singing melody songs, laughing and cracking of jokes and bonded with love, peace and joy as family members enjoying the company of one another. It's truly a joyous moment in life.

But celebrating Christmas without them is just a silent night, quiet Christmas. Even a single sound of a cracker will not even be heard. No greetings, no laughter, no smiles, nothing but it's just a peaceful time. Just a silent Christmas. 

Christmas was a time of happiness, sharing gifts, commemorating the birth of Christ, and the birth of a new beginning. That should be the essence of the Christmas season, but when family members are absent, it loses its value. The day becomes meaningless, it's just another day. Just another time.

I was in South Korea, waiting for my return flight home, on 27th Dec, when the Christmas day appears. I remember back in my Island nation - the Solomon Islands, the day brings explosion of noise. People will shout, sing, some even scream in joy, others beat drums, roofing irons, wooden drum, and bell to express their happiness as they receive Christmas. But while I was waiting for my flight, sitting quietly in my room, covered with the silence, I checked my watch and realized that it's already 2:30 am. That was when I noticed that Christmas day was just passed by.

So I turned on my Whats-app and called. Checked on my wife, kids, and other family members but the connection was failed. So I turned to IMO. This time round I checked through my contact list and start calling friends in Philippines, Peru, and others here in South Korea. All these attempts were just to greet and wish them Merry Christmas, as a way of expressing the joy of Christmas celebration. To others I cannot call but send them Christmas messages.

The only joy I have during this Christmas is, am going home. It’s always a pleasure to return home after spending some time overseas. Home is always home. Just like honey, it's sweet always. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Time has come

Me at graduation
Handong, now it's time to leave. It was just like yesterday that took me here. 17 months was just like 17 days. Time flies. Yes, it flies so fast that I could not even reckon, but it does. And now it's time to depart. 

Although am leaving, yet Handong, You have made me new. Academically renewed. My life, my dream, my vision, has changed overnight. Handong, you have changed all of me. Thank you so much.

My days at Handong will be cherished forever. It will remain. The memories will linger on. I am so thankful for being at Handong Global University (HGU), the Gods university. It was an exciting and joyful experience, for being part of the KOICA 7 batch class of 2019. Learning with other students from other developing countries is not only challenging but interesting. We have shared great times together in and out of class. It was full of fun. Learning was just superb. 

The professors at HGU are so amazing. I still remember the first class for Python, not the snake but the programming language. The first greetings from the professor sound like a preacher from the pulpit. "God is good, and all the time God is good". That was the professor's usual greetings. And then follow up was the prayer. These ways of greetings are not new for church congregation but university class. Yes it's new.
HGU - The Gods University

I will miss the classroom. The place where we have all the fun stuff. Sometimes we see stars, other times the moon, yet we move on. We did it. 

The futsal games, yes I will missed so much. It's the fun part of the whole life at HGU. Fridays and sometimes on Saturdays we have 2 hours of non-stop games. It was tiring but I enjoyed so much. But after the fun comes the pain. I have knee and body pain that even irritate my sleep. But I loved it. That's the sport I enjoyed so much.

Just like everything has time, likewise, my time at HGU is over. I am going home. I will miss HGU so much but the changed it does for me will never be missed. It will always be there, right in me.

Friday, December 13, 2019

President's Speech

Lincoln - KOICA 7 batch class president
Good morning everyone

On behalf of the KOICA 7th Batch class of 2018, I would like to first and foremost thank the Almighty God for the far He has brought us, and to also thank all the people who made this program a success. To the university administration, led by the president of Handong Global University, for the wisdom you bring, and the vision that you layout for Handong Global University, we thank you. To our professors, who give your all, each and every day, laboring to provide us with tremendous education, and pushing us to do our best, even on the days we don’t want to learn, all the while taking the extra time to build relationships with us, that for some, will last a lifetime, we thank you. To the Graduate school of Global Development and Entrepreneurship staff, who work tirelessly, coordinating us and our events, while selflessly supporting us in every possible way, we thank you, and may God bless you all.

And to us graduates, we made it! Not by our might, but by the power of God. As a group, we indeed started from the very bottom. Think about how far we have come, individually and as a class. Looking back to our first semester, it seems like it was just yesterday. There was the first class, the first football game, the first kimchi, the second kimchi, the third kimchi, the figuring out that it was actually delicious. 

Yeah! Our 17 months at Handong Global University were no walk in the park.  We were presented with many challenges that we had to overcome. I cannot even begin to imagine how many families were torn apart because of deadlines. Things may not always go the way you planned, but I know we can all agree that this class is resilient. We survived numerous typhoons and a minor earthquake. The fact that we made it here, is just a testimony to our perseverance, commitment to excellence, and above all the grace of God. 
KOICA 7 Batch

My dear colleagues, we are all destined for greatness. Each and every one of us has the potential to change the world, and Handong Global University has given us the mantle. Handong has changed us and bestowed us with the huge responsibility of changing the world. But as you know, in order to change the world, we have to change our families first, change our communities, and then change our countries, and through this, our continents and the world at large will be changed. We have all grown into powerful, intellectual individuals who will make a massive footprint on this earth. 

Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn and oftentimes, it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. So, as we part ways, equipped with priceless knowledge, we are embarking on a mission to change the world. Colleagues lets strive to be the best version of ourselves, let's fly through the turbulence, and let’s live an exemplary life because we are victors. Be phenomenal or you’ll be forgotten! Congratulations class of 2018. God bless you all! Gamsahamnidaa!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

2019 Graduation Ceremony

KOICA 7th Batch
Today 13th December 2019, marks another achievement I got in my educational journey. It was the 2019 Graduation ceremony for KOICA- Handong Global University Master Degree Program in Techno-Entrepreneurship Competency based on Electrical Engineering and ICT Convergence.

Many people achieved goals in life differently and they make it through various means. Some got it through sports like soccer, rugby, boxing or swimming. Others through business, for me it was through education. It was a great achievement, I received through a lot of commitment, dedication and with the help of my God. Without His profound guidance and wisdom, I cannot go this far. My God is good, He is Yahweh, and the alpha and omega. He is the beginning and the end. There is none like him. Praise be unto His name. 

Today's graduation was awesome, it's a dream come true for me. After I completed my undergrad in 2012, I thought my self that I must move on. I must get a master's degree. Today I got it. Yes, I did it.

The journey was not easy, as I left my wife and 3 kids back home. It's a new feeling unlike the times I went overseas to study as a single person. It's tough since I left part of me, my family was back home in Solomon Islands. 

But all in all, I thank my God for his grace and mercy throughout the course of my study. He is always there for me. He never leaves me. And I believed he will continue.

To God be the glory, great things he has done.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christmas Festival in the Islands

Solomon Islands is one of the island nations in the Pacific that honors Christmas celebrations across the entire country with excitement. Christmas is considered to be the greatest time of the year to experience joy and love and a time to exchange gifts in commemoration of what Christians believe is “the greatest gift” of all. In the happy isles, events such as parties, sports, church programs make Christmas the most enjoyable time of the year.

Scattered across the crystal white and beautiful black sandy beaches, the Islanders joyfully gathered with ethnic families, close friends, communities to enjoy Christmas festive under the bright sunlight nourished with the cool breeze. At lunchtime, the islanders will be served with a mixture of barbecue fish, chicken, pork, sausage, melon, cucumber, and other vegetables. It is a time of extreme fun with lovely celebrations.

Besides having great fun on the beaches with food and drinks, soccer fields are another place of hosting entertainment for athletes. Communities will organize soccer tournaments and knockouts with great and amazing prizes for grab. Usually, a 7-A-side soccer knockout tournament is common in the Islands. A team of 7 players playing for 14 minutes against the opponent on a knockout basis. The team who wins will progress on to the next stage, while the loser will be eliminated. The 7-a-side soccer tournament is always competitive due to the fact that only winner will move on. However, soccer is not the only organized sport during Christmas but others such as volleyball, futsal, beach soccer, basketball, and boxing are also organized to provide entertainment.
Kwai Island beach soccer court

Church programs are another form of celebration the Christians organized as they mark the Christmas festive. Crusades, open-air programs, campfire and rallies are types of programs the church host to mark the festival. Twenty-fifth (25) of December is Christmas day where all organized events will bloom into massive celebration. It is indeed a joyous celebration for island nation.

On the street corners, in front of shops, the beaches, people strolling happily in groups as they greet each other with smiles saying “happy Christmas” as they pass by. Even passengers on buses will wave to their loved ones across the streets. It is really a moment of happiness.

Christmas festive is truly the time everyone is looking forward to, prepare and hopeful to enjoy great fun throughout the month of December. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Fataleka MP defeats court case

Map of Fataleka constituency
On December 9th, Fataleka MP hon. Rex Annex Ramofafia was constitutionally declared free from the petition levied against him by Allan Bae. The high court dismissed the court case due to the failure of the petitioner to comply with rule and lack of providing genuine evidence.

According to the Solomon Islands constitution, the petitioner must sign the petition, however, in this case, his lawyer has signed the petition on his behalf. This signing is not acceptable and violates the law.

Also, the evidence provided by the petitioner were not genuine. Following his careful consideration, the judge concluded that the charges were null and void, baseless and weightless. Based on the two reasons, the high court judge dismissed the court case and declared the MP a free person.
Supporters who turn up during the trial at high court

The high court decision was welcomed by many of the MP's supporters, who have stood with their MP over the two weeks of trial. Following the high court declaration, the supporters gladly jumped into a celebration to express their jubilation.

According to rumors, it was believed that the former Fataleka MP Mr. Steve Abana was behind the move. He was believed to have financed the petition cost in anticipation to disqualify the new MP.

Justice is always just, no matter what, it will remains just.