My Classroom

My Classroom is a learning environment containing links to learning resources. These are the learning materials I am interested in. You may explore the topics and see which one is suitable for you. Today, technology makes learning becomes no longer a classroom business but an everyday activity that you must get your self trapped inside.

1. Programming
Data Visualization using Python.
Learn Computer Science with Programming
IT Source Code
UN Comtrade Database - International trade Statistic database
OpenCV Python Tutorial
Power BI Tutorials For Beginners

2. Finance
Building a Financial Model in excel.

3. Research Concepts and Ideologies
Better Thesis
Developing Research Questions
How to Write a research paper in a weekend
How to write the discussion chapter for a research paper

4. Raspberry Pi Links and Developments
Raspberry Pi 
Operating System for Raspberry Pi
PiNet - Raspberry Pi classroom
Play with Rasperry Pi - tricks
Change the host name of your Raspberry Pi

5. Data Science
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree

6. ESP32 & Arduino IDE
How to set an EP32 Access Point (AP) for Web Server

7. Apache Airflow Tutorials
Introduction to Apache Air Flow

8. Religion
Learn religion

9. MIS
How to build Interactive Excel Dashboards

10. ICT in Education 

eLearning Africa

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