Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Call for support

There are leaders who raise their voices to call in a situation for attention, assistance, support or to disrupt action. At the UN World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, Fiji Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama has called on the global community to assist Fiji with the funds needed to build Fiji's resiliency to climate change. In Vanuatu, the prime minister launched a flash appeal asking the international community for help towards the victims of cyclone Pam. On July 24th 2003, RAMSI began arriving in Solomon Islands following a call from the Governor General Sir John Lapli to regain and maintain peace and order in the country, that was mess up during the ethnic tension. These are examples of leaders who made a call for support.

While the citizens are depending entirely on the national leaders to move the nation forward, there are leaders who faces challenges and determine to make a call for support, to generate change. Over the media, it is noticed that there was a call from the Premier of Malaita Province to all Malaitans to step forward with support and initiative to build a Malaita Provincial Assembly Chamber in Auki. For easy administration, the Island of Malaita was divided into 5 regions - Eastern, Northern, Central, Southern and Malaita Outer- Island. It was speculated that the chamber symbolizes unity among the 5 regions. This is another leader's call for support directed to its native people - Malaitans.

Now what will Malaitans do? Will they respond? Malaitans are known for hard working and action-oriented people. No one knows only time will tell.

Following the call, the people gathered and responded by establishing a coordinating committee to lead and organized fundraising drives towards the development of the plan. The question now is, what is next?    

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