Sunday, May 5, 2013

Is Faith an Action?

Since I was a kid, from my Sunday school class, I was told to have faith. My Sunday school teachers always emphasize the importance of having faith. An action with no faith attached, is dead. One Sunday morning, as I can recalled, my teacher stood in front with her yellow cover bible opened, she raised her voice and begun reading from Hebrews 11:16. But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

The scripture highlights two important concepts about faith.The first is about pleasing God. To please God, we need to have faith. The second is believing in God. We must believe that God is the rewarder to those who seek Him. Yet these explanations does not disclosed the realities about Faith. The question, what is Faith is still a mystery? Today -5th May 2013, after 30 years,finally I came to a complete realization that the word Faith is an action word. We can say, it's a verb, a doing word. An action word. Understanding the definition is different from putting into practice the word Faith.To illustrate, let's analyze the story of Abraham (Gen 22:1 - 19). God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. How Abraham response to God's command was an interesting act. The bible told us that Abraham, on the next day, took his son up to the mountain for sacrificial. Abraham does not think about the road or the climb to the mountain or even how he's going to sacrifice his son. His response was an act of Faith. He put God's command into action. That's where Faith comes in. Putting God's command into action is Faith. Understanding, analyzing and studying God's command is not Faith. This is where most people fail in life. We know Faith, we know how to believe but we don't know how to practice God's command.

Is Faith an Action? Yes, from our analysis, we discovered that Faith is an action based on God's command. Now here's another God's command that many people have been blessed by putting it into practice. It's about tithing. Bring the full amount of your tithes to the temple, so that will be plenty of food there. Put me to the test and you will see that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you abundance all kinds of good things (Malachi 3: 10). To cause God to open the windows of heaven, we need to give our tithes. Understanding the command will never open the store house of heaven, studying it daily with out action is useless. God's store house can only be opened when we start giving our tithes.

I believe you know how to have Faith. When and on what to apply faith on. If you understand these simple formulas, blessing will be on your way. Blessing will be your disaster on every season. 

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