Thursday, January 5, 2012

Formula for a prosperous living

What's the first thing came flashing into your mind when the first day of a new year breaks. I believe most people would start thinking of a new beginning, let's stop the habit of abusive usage of alcohol, quit smoking, reduce night outs to the pubs or others would go for making a new living by establishing a new business, erecting a new home. Students might planning of taking another study or pursue further degrees. You may have your own thoughts and plans but there is a great formula I have discovered in the Bible for a better and prosperous living. It was found in the book of Matt 6: 33, " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." This scripture is one of my best that helps me much as I gain momentum  in life.

 The formula is 'BLESSING = SEEK KINGDOM + RIGHTEOUSNESS' . We may have many plans to seek, accomplish and pursue we can choose starting a new business, looking for a better job, acquiring another scholarship to name but a few. All these benefits man looking for is the result of the formula. We don't spend time to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. These are the two important things in life we should go crazy after. We should pant for it like a deer that pants for water in a desert. We must strive both of it some people search for the Kingdom and find it but ignore righteousness. So when it comes to decision makings in life they accept bribes and pursue corrupt practice. To become completely prosperous in life we need to seek both the Kingdom and Righteousness once you've found it 'all these things shall be added unto you'. Notice that it says 'all'. It could be business ,better home, scholarship, money, job, truck, car, friends, kids and you name it.

If you haven't tried the formula then I beg you start planning your time, routes, your routine and go for it. It's simple just Seek God's Kingdom and His Righteousness. God bless.

Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year 2012

God bless.

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