Sunday, January 29, 2012

Temotu Repatriation

Village in Temotu
I was shocked to learn of the repatriation of 300 Temotu people from the plains of Guadalcanal Palm Oil ltd for fear of their safety over the media. I was deeply sorry for our beloved brothers from Temotu knowing that they were there working for a better living however, threats from the land owners have caused them to withdraw their jobs and head back home. 

It is obvious for people to seek safety when there is fear. Life in an environment filled and surround with terror is horror, worrying and a nightmare. No one can live happily with fear. Every body wants to express the freedom of citizenship. Everyone wants to be happy, smile, laugh, love, work and move around. Life is not meant to be too complicated but simple. God created men to live on earth simply to dominate the birds of the sky, fish of the sea, trees and the animals. That was the simple plan for men however, we make things too complicated.

We create war, tension, and violence. We create poverty with our own selfish ideologies. We hate, fight, kill, love, and trying to live in peace. Continuously, we create problems for ourselves, our people, our families and friends in the society and the nation at large. All these are the product of our action over a period of time. When shall we learn to live in harmony, love, peace and subdue Solomon Islands?

Solomon Islands is a small nation with in the Pacific Ocean with a population of about 600 thousand people. I don't think it's so difficult to maintain peace among that population size compared to other African nations having billions of people. Yet Solomon Islands still finds too complicated to bring peace across the entire nation. What's the problem with us? Is it because of having different Islands?

The nation still reviving from the debris and damage caused by the ethnic tension. Our economy still reviving, our law and order begins to be maintained, peace monitoring still maintaining peace, Truth and Reconciliation haven't finished their task yet and the memories still remain but what's coming up again? Is it going to be another ethnic tension?

The repatriation done by the people of Temotu should alarm the national leaders for a prompt action and consideration. Problems should be dealt with at its early age rather than late stage. Remember uprooting a germinated mango seed is much easier than a mango tree. It takes less effort, energy and of course time.

Can we still enjoy the once happy isles?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Solomon Islands government needs political reconciliation

Solomon Islands Parliament House

Can a rat live comfortably among clowder of cats? I guess it's impossible since it's hard for both to befriend. But the question is how can we tame them to live in harmony. Am not going to focus on that but wish to share  my observation on the current state of our government under these categories political mobilization, leadership enmity and political reconciliation. 

Hon. Danny Philip
I have observed for the past years 2010/11 our national government has suffered turmoil of political mobilization. Ministers shift from one chamber to another, from government to opposition side and vice versa, claiming frustrations over the abuse of power, inappropriate policies, dictatorship leadership to name but a few. These political mobilizations have resulted in the establishment of two form of government from 25th Aug 2010 to 16 Nov 2011. This is a worst situation for a nation to experience such level of leadership over short period of time. It is not healthy for the nation Solomon Islands since we are not moving forward but toil and struggle with leadership problem. Once more, recently over the media a group of 15 government ministers create new relationship with the opposition side following disagreements within the cabinet realm. Among them is the former Prime Minister Hon. Mr. Danny Philip who states that his disapproval was based on the Prime Minister's move to abolish the National Bureau for Social and Economic Reform. Again this is going to be another so called political revolution. When shall our leaders learn? Can't we humble and submit ourselves to authorities? What a simple misconception of the principle of obedience. I urge the national leaders to be stable in alignment with your purpose since your destiny will never be reached under vibrant and shivering circumstances.  

Political enmity is another obvious crisis affecting our national government. Critics can tell from the general accusations levied against each other that there is a hostile environment filled with spirits of antagonism. There are fancy label, tags and description members have adopted and termed each other with, even addressing them in a sever manner within our political arena. Currently, we have noticed another shift is on the rise. This sense of movement done by the government ministers demonstrates high level of hatred, anger, ill-feeling, enmity and political gossip, have drastically covered the entire parliament house. There are superb reasons and political terminology of dissatisfaction voiced out by parliamentarians against another leadership during withdrawal of support however we can simplify these as delusion of ideology. The continuous practice of this feeling of in-affection will never bring a resolution of consensus at government level regardless of how smart, clever or intelligent we are since up there in our subconscious mind there is a large storage of hatred. Hence, our leaders need to delete the hate from the subconscious mind with a replacement of pure love, passion, infatuation and political unity.  

Mathew Wale
Political reconciliation is my final recommendation to the national government. There is always thunder after lightning, sun after rain, night after day, death after birth and I believe there should be reconciliation after disputes. I have observed the ongoing political mobilization and leadership enmity over and over again across the heart of our government, yet there is no attempt of resolutions for reconciliation. I have read from the media parliamentarians accused each other over political agenda. Apparently, Mathew Wale is being accused by the government for lobbying and luring government ministers. The question of interest is what's next after all these accusations. Shall we keep ignoring them and allow time to bury all these political debris? I believe our national leaders need political reconciliation among them. They need to re-organize the government by getting rid of all these personal hatred, party accusation and political differences. I suggest Solomon Islands truth and reconciliation commission (RTC) to divert immediate attention to our government to restate peace in the house. I am calling upon the entire nation to address the problem of these fifty people who represent fifty constituencies within Solomon Islands. Remember these fifty people do not own the nation Solomon Islands but we have entrusted them to lead us. They do not have right to sell any property of Solomon Islands. We are a democratic nation not a kingdom. Only kings own kingdom, but not Prime Minister. 

Finally, may we work together in building peace within in the heart of the nation - parliament, to regain its pride as a house of parliament rather than ring of fire. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Solomon Islands Government vibrates

PM Lilo
Solomon Islands government will experience another turmoil following opposition claimed that fifteen government ministers secretly consult them with an intention to over throw Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. The opposition made a declaration confirming that a plan is under way by the fifteen government ministers to dismantle NCRA and unseat Prime Minister.

The movement done by the fifteen government ministers reflects instability within the solidarity of the government of Solomon Islands. It wasn't long after Mr Lilo went into office as Prime Minister of Solomon Islands and then again another political wave emerges. Recently, across the media Prime Minister Lilo received praise from many citizens in support of his leadership. People applaud Lilo for his immediate actions by minimizing the government over-looked expenses such as government phone usage. However, regardless of his positive efforts, the fifteen remain unsatisfied claiming that Lilo still isn't the right person to lead the nation of Solomon Islands.

Since the opposition is gearing up for this event we don't know the likely out come but let's hope that things will be normal for the entire nation.

God bless Solomon Islands

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Solomon Islands Leader attacked

A Solomon Islands leader was attacked at one of the betel nut market beside the Yatch Club by an unidentified individual around mid-night while buying betel nut. He was the minister for Peace and Reconciliation and Member of Parliament for Central Makira, Hypolite Taremae.

The attacker came from behind a stopped vehicle and attacked the minister then escaped. The minister was helpless with no sense of self defence since he was drunk when attacked.

The question of interest is why was he attacked? There are many reasons we may guess based on the incident but there are certain assumptions that might narrow the search to our target. The first general question is, does Hon Taremae have a cordial relationship with fellow Solomon Islanders. Is there any ill feelings between you and our people. There is a saying 'in every action there is a reaction'. Based on this statement one can ask this question, what have you done sir? Whether it be political, social, physical or spiritual. People will treat you good when you done good to them. Like wise when good people do good to you and in return you did bad to them they will react negatively based on your reaction. I guess the unidentified male person who was a Solomon Islander might poses some kind of ill feelings to wards you whether it be for retaliation or self anger satisfaction. He thought a punch is enough to satisfy the anger with in him.

However, if Hon Taremae is anger free then we can conclude that the attacker is not his enemy but someone who is trying to get his anger satisfied.

Watch your moves every time you on the move since people with different attitudes are all around us looking for people to attack. So be alert at all times.

Happy new 2012.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Formula for a prosperous living

What's the first thing came flashing into your mind when the first day of a new year breaks. I believe most people would start thinking of a new beginning, let's stop the habit of abusive usage of alcohol, quit smoking, reduce night outs to the pubs or others would go for making a new living by establishing a new business, erecting a new home. Students might planning of taking another study or pursue further degrees. You may have your own thoughts and plans but there is a great formula I have discovered in the Bible for a better and prosperous living. It was found in the book of Matt 6: 33, " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." This scripture is one of my best that helps me much as I gain momentum  in life.

 The formula is 'BLESSING = SEEK KINGDOM + RIGHTEOUSNESS' . We may have many plans to seek, accomplish and pursue we can choose starting a new business, looking for a better job, acquiring another scholarship to name but a few. All these benefits man looking for is the result of the formula. We don't spend time to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. These are the two important things in life we should go crazy after. We should pant for it like a deer that pants for water in a desert. We must strive both of it some people search for the Kingdom and find it but ignore righteousness. So when it comes to decision makings in life they accept bribes and pursue corrupt practice. To become completely prosperous in life we need to seek both the Kingdom and Righteousness once you've found it 'all these things shall be added unto you'. Notice that it says 'all'. It could be business ,better home, scholarship, money, job, truck, car, friends, kids and you name it.

If you haven't tried the formula then I beg you start planning your time, routes, your routine and go for it. It's simple just Seek God's Kingdom and His Righteousness. God bless.

Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year 2012

God bless.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kingdom living

Which way you're heading?
Every person that ever live on the surface of earth do has equal time frame to live on the planet earth. Whether you are a king, president, prime minister, parliamentarian, church leader, ordinary citizen, man,woman,boy,girl or a child we all have a chance to live a life on the earth. We all have the same amount of time on the planet earth. The opportunities we receive in life may varies but we all live on the same planet earth under the same sunlight, breathing the same oxygen and maximize the time within the 24 hour frame. We all eat regardless of what ever your meal is, drink, talk, smile,cry,laugh and sleep. Everybody on this planet earth performs the same routine every now and then. However, there is a secret behind every living a man lives, some people becomes prosperous in life, others work for their entire life time, while some doing nothing with their opportunity.

The question is how can I live a meaningful life on earth with the opportunity of living. The average person living on this planet earth did not fully comprehend what is life. Some thought that it is having fun at the night party, pubs or night club, others maybe it's their job or business. Students might think it's their normal attendance to lectures and having studies. The criminals would rather says it's another day lets rob the bank or the parliamentarians might says its time to review the constitution. All these forms of life style brings confusion to many yet people keep doing what they love to do. Here are some questions of life that every person on this planet earth needs to answer to help live a meaningful life.

The first question is, Who am I ? It's the question of Identity. A person living on this planet earth needs to identify and discover himself or herself in order to be productive in the society.
The second questions is, Where am I from? It's the question of Heritage. This question has nothing to do with the ethnic background. Everybody knows where they are from but your origin is far better than your earthly background.
The third is, Why am I here? It's the question of purpose. In order to be successful one needs to ask this question to understand the purpose of existence on the face of earth.
The fourth is, What can I do? It's the question of Potential. Knowing our abilities is one way of knowing how much we can do. A person needs to understand his potential to live a life at it's fullest.
The final one is, Where am I going? It's the question of Destiny. Every person needs to know where they are heading to. Once you know your destiny no one can mislead you or influence you out of your way or plan.

I believe that to live a successful life on this planet earth every person needs to answer these questions. If you haven't done answering these questions you better take your time and start looking at life in a very serious manner cause your time is your life.