Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Solomon Islands Introduces New Coins

SI New Coins
Across the Islands of the nation of Solomon Islands, a set of new coins are circulating with in the businesses, organizations, wholesalers, retailers, families and individuals. The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) introduces the new coins at the beginning of the new year 2013. The changes includes the replacement of $2 note with $2 coin, reducing the size of $1, 50 cent, 20 cent and 10 cent coins.  

However,  after CBSI releases the new coins to the banks, heavy criticisms were raised against these new coins as it circulates. The general public especially, realized that the size of the new coins are too small hence, people experience difficulties with handling of the new coins. Some complained that the coins are too small that it becomes uncomfortable to use when buying. Others further stated that when it falls, there was not even a sound to be heard, signifies the tendency to get lost so easily. These are complains raised against the new coins as it continue circulation across the islands.

The members of the out spoken social media group - Forum Solomon Islands International on Facebook expressed similar sentiments. Nearly, 90 percent of the members pointed that the coin size was really too small to handle.Others said, from experiences it was not suitable buying with these coins as it was too small. But some members of the group express satisfaction saying it will take time before the general public gain adaptation. Let's be patient as time will come when people feel comfortable with handling of these coins. 

The coins will continue circulating among the general public although criticisms were raised against the CBSI. The coin size was not the decision of the CBSI but people's choice. CBSI chooses the size based on their survey carried out in 2008/2009.       

Monday, January 7, 2013

SI PM being accused.

PM Lilo
The leadership of Mr Gordon Darcy Lilo has reached another level of accusation following a sex scandal believed he was involved in. Since came into power, PM Lilo has been accused of several allegations claiming he stole tsunami money, computer money, bech-de-mer money, had started the disbanded black-shark and recently the payment of compensation. PM believed that these are mere allegations to tarnish his clean leadership record and requested people to respect the mandate given to by majority of leaders to lead the country. He was unmoved by the latest sex scandal that has hit the integrity of his leadership.

The recent assertion came into public interest after Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) posted an article on it's page on the sex scandal that spark the general out cry of the citizen. Members of FSII believed that such leader should refrain from creating problems such as in sex issues. A prominent layer stated that our leaders should stop from involving in sex issues but to concentrate on the interest of the state. This nation will never move ahead unless our leaders refrain from slitting marriages with their lust.

The truth of the matter is, our parliament house has been filled with people who exercise and involve in polygamy. We refer to such practice as 02, 03 and 04. Nearly, 90 percent of the parliamentarians have been on board the ship MV. 02. This is an insane way of life. God has intended life to be simple with the simple begging with Adam and Eve. There was no Adam to Eve and then Mary. It was mend to be a one on one ratio, Adam to Eve ratio.  

Dr. Myles Munroe stated that Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by a passion, generate by a vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose. He further concludes that leadership comes down to two things: who you are and how you think.

Let us wait as the Leadership code commission pursue the matter and see how they going to settle the matter to rest.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cell phone against Custom

Cellphone or mobile phone has increased the efficiency of communication among people within a family, community, society, nation and the entire world. You can be in South America and make a call to someone in Fiji over a few seconds or someone in Thailand can dial a call to another in the Solomon Islands. These mobile devices have enabled communication among people over vast distance as if they were sitting around a table with a cup of coffee.

The Solomon Islands has joined the international community with the usage of cell phones for passing messages, communication and chatting. These newly introduced devices are received with gratitude, however, as it continues to expand influence in communication, it does interrupt and damage custom and tradition of indigenous Islanders by creating an increase in the level of dating, marriage breakups and domestic violence.

Before the introduction of cell phones, communication among opposite sex is regarded as prohibited to certain degree by Solomon Islanders. In Malaitan societies especially, boys are not permitted to chat with girls whether they related to or not in a circular environment. It's a serious offense and once get caught by girl's relatives, would cost a large sum of money as in a form of compensation. In the traditional era, dating is a secret game and has always been played secretly at the back of both parents and brothers. With the introduction of mobile phones, these taboos are no longer effective as the boundaries has been violated. Dating is not a serious game any more as these devices creates an easy way of doing it with out being caught. It can be done anywhere at anytime. You can be in your room or among family members but when your lover calls to say hi there was no boundaries and fear to scare you of since the communication was secret between both your phones. 

Marriage breakups is another issue that has been on the rise since the introduction of these mobile devices. There are many issues among people of the Solomon Islands where fights break up between husband and wife. Resting after a hard day at home, there the phone rings, it was a call for the father. The mother quickly picked up the phone to answer. As usual, the caller asks for the father and requested a conversation, the mother raised her voice with a reply, who are you? After the conversation, the mother turns around with an angry look on the face and start questioning the husband. It all ends up in a fight, separation and of course death. This is a typical situation these devices introduced us with. Hence, it is wise to be mindful of how we use these cell phones to avoid such problems which will lead to divorce.

Nearly, 80 percent of Solomon Islanders have owned a phone and these issues are getting higher and higher each day, the problem of interest is shall we adjust our custom against the use of these devices or should we continue to adopt the way it was used by the international communities.